
Pharmacy and Logistics Inventory Management

Keeping track of vital, potential life-saving drugs and tools is a top priority for the Federal Government. We can help you monitor, organize, and act as stewards for your inventory and inventory databases, minimizing your losses in the process.
Our staff will also support your teams in reverse distribution, control substance audit, and discrepancy reporting (dispensing machines).

Pharmacy Consultant Services

If you are looking for leaders in implementing technical solutions, or advising on today’s most pressing pharmaceutical challenges, we would be delighted to assist. Our pharmacy management consulting team will lead you in streamlining your processes, eliminating inefficiencies, and improving the delivery of your services to your stakeholders.

Staffing Solutions

Our recruiting and retention process ensures we can support your departmental needs in the Healthcare while maintaining a pool of credentials and ready to work healthcare specialists.

Pharmacy Renovation and Construction

For more tangible services, our renovation and construction experts to help you restore, rebuild, or build newly constructed Federally backed pharmacies or other healthcare facilities. Our teams will lead in the design, planning, and construction of new infrastructure, wherever it is needed.

Emerging Health Technology and Digital Transformation

With the advent of newer healthcare practices – such as a migration to consolidated, electronic health records systems – improved technologies to facilitate these changes are required. We can help your team, office, or division stand up new and exciting technological solutions to meet the needs of tomorrow, today.
Increasingly more systems and processes are moving online, either onto local, on-premises servers or into the cloud. In either case, we stand ready to assist with the migration of your vital records, toolkits, protected data, and more.

Digital Therapeutics

Your teams aren’t the only ones transitioning to a digital way of doing business. So too are taxpayers and other Federal stakeholders. Digital therapeutics allows medical experts to deliver virtual care to those in need, and we have the know-how to help you deliver this service quickly and efficiently.

Technology Solutions

Every organization’s technology needs vary. More importantly, the solutions of today might not be the solutions you need next year. Planning for a change in scale and scope is important. We can assist you in these areas and more, in whatever way you might require:
• Controlled Unclassified Information (CUI)
• Controlled Technical Information (CTI)
• Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection
• Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML)
• General Programming Support